Journal : Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review

Title : An exact algorithm for multiple-equipment integrated scheduling in an automated container terminal using a double-cycling strategy

Authors : Yiming Li, Zhuo Sun, and Soondo Hong

Abstract : The integrated scheduling of quay cranes, automated guided vehicles, and yard cranes is key to achieving efficient performance for an automated container terminal. This paper investigates a multiple-equipment integrated scheduling problem. Firstly, the double-cycling strategy for container handling is proposed to coordinate the scheduling of quay cranes, automated guided vehicles, and yard cranes. Furthermore, a mixed-integer linear programming model is proposed to minimize the makespan of multiple-equipment. And simultaneously, an enhanced Benders decomposition algorithm is designed to solve the problem and several accelerating measures are developed to accelerate the convergence speed. The computational results indicate that (i) the schemes obtained from the model are superior to the current terminal schemes in terms of makespan, waiting time and setup time; (ii) the proposed enhanced Benders decomposition algorithm outperforms the GUROBI and existing method; and (iii) the double-cycling strategy is more efficient than the first come first serve strategy and single-cycling strategy, with 10.65% and 10.34% reductions, respectively, in makespan.

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